Hire Overseas VAs You Can Trust
Yes, you really can have vetted overseas VAs (virtual assistants) who you can trust to do an excellent job, speak fluent English, and cost you less than $10 an hour. With Skybreaker's signature VA Finder™ service, it's never been easier for business owners to profit more while working less.
Book Your Free Consult
"I’ve literally doubled my business and my speaking events — because I finally hired great VAs and got myself out of all the hustle work. Skybreaker is a game changer!"
~ Shafonne Myers, Brand & Business Growth Strategist ~
Get Your Time Back with VAs.
Are you spending all of your time working IN your business with little to no time to work ON it?
And if you’re like most of the law firm owners we talk to, then you probably feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and anxious when it comes to your business.
I'm Joey Vitale, the CEO of Skybreaker. We help law firm owners and other entrepreneurs make more and work less by building a profitable virtual team that cuts your work week in half.
Because the truth is that the MORE your business depends on YOU, the LESS your business can grow.
And if you don’t solve this, you will never achieve the freedom and impact you desire—which inspired you to start your business in the first place! You’ll never be able to take extended time off, much less enjoy a dream vacation, without being tied to your laptop.
Book Your Free Consult
Ready to Make More and Work Less?
We can help find you quality VAs in at little as 24 hours!
Here's What People Are Saying:

David Nathan
"Joey is a phenomenal VA resource. Highly recommend."

Ashley Monk
"Wow. This process for finding and hiring VAs is next-level. Love it."

Moshe Amsel
"I feel like I got every single ounce of value that I could have possibly expected from my investment."

Randa Prendergast
"Skybreaker has been such an asset to my business! The value inside these programs have been superb."

Bob Burg
"Skybreaker ROCKS! Joey brings immense value to others by helping business owners build their virtual dream teams."

Elizabeth Henson
"I am finally out of the weeds of my business — all thanks to Skybreaker!"
"We love our new VA! And you saved us 20+ hours."
~ Jane Muir, Law Firm Owner ~
Who We Work With
Skybreaker has helped law firm owners, professional service providers, digital course creators, and even construction companies hire trustworthy overseas assistants.
Your VA Solution For Any Law Firm Practice Area
We have successfully matched VAs for law firms in all the major practice areas — as well as the niche areas. No matter what your practice area, we can find you quality VAs so you can get your time back.

Personal Injury

Criminal Law

Estate Planning

Family Law

Immigration Law

Business Law

Intellectual Property

Real Estate Law

And more!
Including construction law, administrative law, tax law, appellate law, and elder law.