Episode 119 - Avoid One of the Biggest Mistakes in Business and Level Up as a CEO
Jun 14, 2023
Welcome to The Business Growth Advantage Show with Joey Vitale! Every other week, Joey is joined by community manager Elizabeth Henson, and this week they discuss strategies for CEOs to avoid the most significant business mistake and level up as a CEO.
Employees focus on making money, while entrepreneurs and CEOs focus on creating machines that generate money.
If you are ready to build systems and teams so that you can have more of those machines in place, capable of generating money without you, join our free training.
Join here https://joeycvitale.lpages.co/stressfreescaling/
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Show Notes:
1:02 - Biggest mistakes business owners make
3:08 - The pitfalls of hiring expensive experts
4:48 - The importance of building and becoming experts on our own
5:12 - Five CEO Phases
6:30 - Phase 1: The Solopreneur Phase
6:47 - Phase 2: The Hustler Phase
8:15 - Phase 3: The Managar Phase
10:03 - Phase 4: The Leader Phase
11:56 - Phase 5: The Visionary Phase
12:02 - Empowering the leadership team
16:24 - Sign up for free training