Episode 97: Difference between VA, EA, OBM and Why All are Important Roles at Different Stages of a Business with Keldie Jamieson
Nov 02, 2022
My bud, Keldie Jamieson, Online Business Manager Trainer & Coach, joins The Business Growth Advantage this week!
Keldie Jamieson is a Certified Online Business Manager and Trainer with over 30 years experience working in corporate leadership, operations, and administration. She understands what it takes to lead, manage, and scale a successful business.
Keldie has had the pleasure to work with some of the most influential, mission-driven, and passionate women in the online entrepreneurial world, helping them to grow their community, businesses, and teams.
Keldie now trains corporate escapees, freelancers, virtual assistants, and other support professionals how to create a fulfilling career online as a Certified OBM®, as well as coaches and mentors other OBMs and VAs.
If you want to know the difference between VA, EA, OBM and why all are important roles for your business then you don’t want to miss this episode.
Follow her on social:
Show Notes
00:49 - This Week on the Business Growth Advantage
01:43 - Meet our Guest
03:23 - Different Levels of VA, EA, and OBM Possibilities
04:03 - What is an EA?
12:38 - The Idea of Being Replaceable
14:43 - What is a General Virtual Assistant?
24:44 - Executive VS Personal Assistant
30:10 - Preview of an OBM
38:46 - Being an Expert OBM
44:19 - Benefits of Being Certified
46:49 - When Do You Hire an OBM?
52:50 - Being in a Business as an OBM
1:02:00 - Managing your business as a CEO
1:11:15 - Things About a Being a Business Manager